
Showing posts from September, 2014

Pears are DONE!

Yep, you read that correctly: we are done with pears for the year.  Huzzah and all that jazz.  And now we return to our regularly scheduled blog.... ha ha ha ha.  Nothing about this blog is scheduled! I'm trying to change that, really, I am.  But change comes slowly, unless someone is threatening to toss you off of a cliff, then change comes pretty damn fast.  And no, I'm not looking for volunteers to chuck me over a cliff! My mother has been in a wickedly bad mood for the past few days.  Oh fun.  She inherited that hot Irish temper from her father and I also have it.  Saturday she was itching for a fight and I ignored her...for awhile, then I obliged her with an argument.  I'm quite proud of my self-control.  I didn't lose it! My mother is a very turbulent creature, more so than me maybe, and for every angry day she has a morose day.  Boug and I couldn't say anything to her (we have to yell because her hearing aid isn't working so well) without her feelin

Life is what happens away from computer screens...

I originally started this blog to keep myself accountable to my writing on a daily basis.  So far, as far as I can tell, I have not managed that yet. Just as I get better with more updates and longer blog entries I fall off of the Writing Wagon because life happens. Everything that has happened since my last update I have blogged about in my head, and as soon as we can download stuff from our brains directly to our computers, I'll let you know all about it.  But for now, I can't really remember what I was going to tell you, dear Internet. I guess you'll just have to trust me when I say stuff happened.  Lots of interesting, fascinating, mildly exciting stuff.  But it has all left me because I didn't commit it to this blog in time.  I'm the self-appointed Queen of I'll Blog About That After My Nap!  Not even joking. Fear not, darling reader, for I do have a tale to share with you; a tale of appreciation.  It begins with me waiting for paperwork to arrive fro