
Showing posts from June, 2021

June, is that you?

It finally feels like June, only problem is that June is almost over. This means I'm definitely not ready for July. I never know how to structure my blog posts. I feel like my words never have any flow to them, instead my ideas just jump around all over the place. I want to write everything down all at once, but I usually wind up confusing myself, which is frustrating. And I can't remember if my writing has always been like this, or if this is the result of abandoning writing years ago. Was I ever good at writing? If I ever was, I'm definitely not now. But that's why I'm blogging; I want to improve my craft. I need to make progress.  And now I have lost my train of thought... Welcome to my brain!! I think I shall research blog structures to get a better idea of what I want to to here. Because I would very much like this blog to make more sense in the future. I also need to figure out what I want to say. In the mean time, I think snacks are called for. I hope your Ju