
Showing posts from December, 2014

"Don't bring up the War!"

As I said in one of my earlier blogs, I'm easily distracted by just about everything. And lately I've become obsessed with WWII documentaries. Seriously, I must have spent a good 6 hours in one day just watching doc after doc, desperately searching for my grandfather's tank. You see, I grew up on fairy tales and WWII stories (the former told to me by my mom and the latter from my grandpa) and I have been missing my grandfather quite fiercely. Don't worry, he's not dead. But he is lost to the deep throes of dementia and doesn't know who I am to him anymore, which has broken my heart in a way that I didn't know it could break. [Not going to cry!] He was a Sherman tank driver in the 740th "Daredevil" Tank Battalion under Gen. Patton.  And his tank was the first over the Rhine and his battalion captured the SS 1st Panzer division (or whatever they were called.) He stormed Utah beach on D-Day and paratrooped with the 82nd Airborne. But m