
Showing posts from February, 2021


I think I have solved my formatting problem! Yay!! And all it took was some light Googling. I may or may not be pretty proud of myself! I may even believe that I have a sense for I.T. stuff that I didn't believe until last year. I just never saw myself as an I.T. person because I thought they had to spend years at a university and have at least one college degree. But I was so wrong! I just need the certifications, which is where the real work is at. I'm not saying I was a stellar student back in the day, because that would be a lie. I was a horrible student, but at least back then I could concentrate on the subjects, even when I didn't like them. I no longer have that ability. And I miss it. I reached out to my doctor to discuss treatment options, but I really need an ADHD diagnosis in my medical record first. Great. Nothing like waiting 6-12 months for a problem I need solved yesterday.  How do you focus when your brain doesn't want to?  And frak, I was in the middle