30 things!

In a few hours I will officially be 30 years of age. Yikes. 30 sounds like such a significant number to me. And as you can probably guess, I'm not handling it very well. Don't get me wrong, I'm not having a meltdown or feeling the need to feel younger by surrounding myself with teenagers. I just don't know how to feel, really, about being 30.

I've always looked at thirty-somethings as true adults; they're married, have kids, multiple cars, a mortgage and have traveled around. I know these are broad generalizations, but you have to understand that I have exactly none of those things.

My life went down a decidedly different path from those generalizations I mentioned. Instead of settling down to start my own family I stayed at home and took care of my grandparents and my mother because they all started loosing their minds around the same time. It is very hard to maintain your own sanity when you are the only sane person in the house. And that wasn't just my life for a few months; it was my life for YEARS.

Now I have to figure out how to finish growing up. I just have my mom to take of nowadays, thank goodness. But that doesn't leave a lot of time for a job or school. Because I've been thinking a lot and I really do want to go back to school.

Anyway, I thought I'd try to come up with 30 Things I've Learned in My 30 Years! I'm not sure I'll come up with anything good, but I'm determined to give it the old college try.

30 Things I've Learned in 30 Years:

1. Walking on level surfaces is harder than it appears.

2.  Sippy cups should be for adults as well!

3.  Gravity is not always your friend.

4.  Books are almost always better than people.

5.  Never underestimate the healing power of alcohol.

6.  Where there's a will, there's a still.

7. The Trouble with Tribbles was poisoned quadrotriticaylee.

8. Operating a clunker car adds character to your driving skills.

9. Driver chooses the music.

10. Judge a person by the size of their library.

11. You're not a terrible person if you claim to be Canadian to avoid Voter Registration drives.

12. I have nothing to say to you if you like "Jersey Shore."

13. I also have nothing to say to you if you like the Kardashians.

14. If you have the time, read a book.

15. Sometimes you just have to eat a cheesecake (yep, the whole thing!).

16. Sometimes you just have to skip eating for a day.

17. Milk chocolate ages you, dark chocolate keeps you young.

18. Coconut oil can be used for EVERYTHING!

19. Some days the only person I want to hangout with is my cat. Don't be jealous.

20. Volunteer for the sheer sake of volunteering.

21. Ketchup chips. Just ketchup chips!

22. Want to get to know yourself? Fly somewhere by yourself.

23. Don't just tell the people in your life you love them, show them.

24. We only get one body so take your health seriously.

25. Be flippant in your life, not your job.

26. Always check your motor oil. Just do it already.

27. Why dumb yourself down for a kid when you can smart them up to your level? (Hahahahahaha!!)

28. Grammar matters. (Despite what I just said on #27)

29. The "No-poo" hair care method works for me.

30. Thirty is just a number, according to everyone around me and they wouldn't lie, right?

Yes! I actually made this all up in a reasonable amount of time. I'm shocked.

OK, Life, I'm ready to turn 30 tomorrow....I think. The remarkable thing is that even if I'm not ready to turn 30 I will anyway. Life continues on, like it has always done and there's nothing I can do about that.

Happy Birthday to me...


  1. #21 and #27. So much.

    FYI we have ONE vehicle and no mortgage. So there you go.

    Re: #27, Rowan and I just read another chapter in The Magician's Nephew. He is loving it.

    Also, thirty rocks. I felt so much freer and more empowered when I turned thirty.

  2. I'm bracing myself for 30 in a few weeks. I just have to remind myself that it does no good to play the comparing game - such a waste of time! It's also a little depressing. It doesn't matter how many Things I have or don't have if I never change on the inside.

    I hope you have a wonderful birthday. You are treasured by many.

  3. So far I'm digging 30! You two rock so much!

  4. I have 6 more months left! One of the girls I live with decided to make 30 her epic year and so far she's traveled and tried so many new things that the younger girls are getting jealous! I think each year is what we make of it and we can make being 30 exciting :-D

    Happy birthday to an amazing girl!!!!


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